Indian Railways Second Sitting Seating Arrangement. This is the best website to irctc train seat map of Second Seating 2S. It canbe booked from irctc. Indian Railways train 2 tiers AC coach seating arrangement and interior layout of second class AC coach of Indian express trains. Seat layout are similar to bus or flights.
This is one of the fastest ways to get correct information about Seat Map in real time. You shall get IRCTC Train Seat Map of Second Seating 2S in this website. 2S - Second SeatingBench style seats and without the air-conditioning108 seats per coach and not very comfortable. In the second tier AC coach type B there are four types of berths that are available including lower berth upper berth side upper berth and side lower berth. This page is for IRCTCTrainSeatMap of Second Seating 2S. You have reached this page as you may searched Train Seating Arrangement.
You can check IRCTC Seat Map or Seat Layout or Coach Layout for any coach type of Indian Railways here at Indian Railways Seat Map.
CC means AC chair car usually preffered for short distances is commonly found in Shatabdi trains. Have you ever observed the numbering that is displayed on the coaches of a train. This website will show Train Seat Map Structure which will be helpful to find the seats map before boarding train. You just enter train coach name to get IRCTC TRAIN SEAT MAP of Second Seating 2S in real time. Seat layout of Indian Railways Coaches 1A-First AC 2A-2 Tier AC 3A-3Tier AC FC- First Class CC- Chair Car SL-Sleeper. The cheapest class of travel on the Indian Railways Second Sitting has ordinary coaches which have seating arrangement on cushioned seats in two rows of 3 seats.